Planting, Growing and Harvesting Scented Geranium

Planting, Growing and Harvesting Scented Geranium

Growing Scented Geranium. Scented Geraniums are indeed not Geraniums by any stretch of the imagination. They are Pelargonium. Their leaves, in any case, do take after Geraniums, and they are in a similar natural family. They have an assortment of blossoms and leaf shapes and make beautiful house and nursery plants.  Scented Geraniums can be … Read more

Planting, Growing, and harvesting Cherries

planting Cherries

Growing cherries, Cherry trees are a sight to behold during the spring when the entire gets lit up by the white and pink blossoms. Once they bloom, the plant starts fetching the delicious cherries for consumption. They belong to the Prunus family, and the fruits they bore are called drupe fruit. There are two types … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Blueberries

growing blueberries

Growing Blueberries, Blueberries belonging to the Ericaceae family get grown for their edible berries. They primarily are Eurasian species of shrubs in Vaccinium species. The scientific name of the species often gets called the Vaccinium myrtillus L. However, several species are closely related to them. Blueberries get known by various names in various parts of … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Lavender.

planting lavender

Growing lavender, Lavandula, commonly known as the lavender herb, is a genus. It holds 47 species of flowering plants that are known to date. Growing and planting Lavender has become a common practice in the modern-day.The scent and visuals that the lavender tree and the lavender flowers provide get widely included in the gardens. The … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Nasturtium

Growing Nasturtium, Nasturtium belongs to the family of various plants in the Tropaeolum genus. Generally, we can see nasturtium plants in Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Nasturtium leaves have a minty flavor, and so it is used in many recipes all around the world. Nasturtium has a different color property; generally, it’s yellow, … Read more

Planting, growing and harvesting Mint.

Growing mint, Mints are aromatic by nature. They are considered perennial herbs. The system that they grow in may vary between erect, square, and branched. They spread under the ground and come with overground stolons. The leaves generally get arranged in the opposite pairs and range from being oblong to lanceolate. The mint leaves showcase … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Sorrel.

Growing sorrel, Sorrel, commonly called garden sorrel, is one of the widely cultivated perennial plants as they are one of the few herbs that get consumed across the globe. The plant belongs to the Polygonaceae family is known to men by other names like Spinach dock and narrow-leaved dock. They get commonly found in the … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Fennel.

Growing fennel, Fennel belonging to the carrot family, is a flowering plant species. They are one of the hardiest perennial herbs cultivated across the globe. The plants find their origin on the shores of the Mediterranean. The distinctive yellow flowery couple with feather-like leaves makes them a treat to the eyes. The plant prefers a … Read more