Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Thyme

Growing thyme, Thyme is an excellent spice with a lovely, sharp, clover flavor. It smells like summer to us! Both fragrant elaborate sorts, just as culinary thyme assortments add a delicious note to summer soups, barbecued meats, and vegetables. Here’s the way to plant and develop thyme. A low-developing strong, enduring, thyme is a fragrant spice with tiny, aromatic leaves and slim, woody stems. The culinary assortments are evergreen.

Thyme comes in more than fifty assortments with various scents and flavors. New or English thyme is utilized frequently in cooking. Now, whenever the question arises what is thyme then you have a full fledge answer to that.

Initially from the Mediterranean region, this spice is dry season agreeable, so it doesn’t have high watering needs. It is likewise pollinator-accommodating! Let some thyme plants bloom since the sauce draws in the honey bees. How to dry thyme then you can just put thyme into the sunlight for like some days and it is used as spices in your dishes.

Overview of Thyme

Biological Name

Thymus vulgaris

Plant Type


Maturity Period

14 to 28 days

Maturity Size

6 to 15 inches

Soil Type

Loamy, sandy

Soil pH

Acidic to alkaline (6.0 to 8.0)


Full sun

Hardiness (USDA Zone)

5 to 9 (USDA)


6-8 cm apart

Bloom Time

spring and summer



Flower Color

Red White Pink

Growth Rate

14-28 days

Native Zone



Thyme will infrequently require watering separated from during exceptionally delayed times of dry or dry season conditions in summer. Guarantee plants in pots are not permitted to totally dry out.


Thyme is perhaps the most utilized herb since as far back as antiquated Egypt, utilized in pieces of the treating system. From the beginning of time, Thyme has been a solution for poison, a pain killer, an indication of mental fortitude and goodbye, and a permanent spot for fairness.

In old Egypt, Thyme was explored on a body alongside various plants like rosemary before being wrapped as a feature of the embalmment cycle. The Egyptians also utilized thyme as a painkiller, remembering it for a considerable lot of their drugs.

The Romans felt that eating thyme previously or during dinner would fix the harm, preparing it mainly well known among Roman rulers. Thyme was also regularly provided to Roman soldiers upon leaving for the fight to come as a reminder of boldness. The practice of giving thyme as a goodbye gift to fighters progressed forward all through the medieval periods of England, where it additionally got on as a well-known zest for use in cooking.

One of the species of Thyme is Thymus Vulgaris which is used to cure the chest pain and any infection in your body. It is used for curing in earlier times and even now people believed that thymus Vulgaris help in a chest infection.  When the Black Death hits,  utilize thyme in countless prescriptions as a treatment. In the Victorian Era, medical guardians would annually take gauze injuries with a thyme arrangement. Thyme is as yet used generally in medication and cooking today.

Nutrition Facts about Thyme

1. Thyme contains numerous dynamic rules known to have an illness, forestalling, and wellbeing advancing properties.

2. Thyme spice contains thymol, one of the significant fundamental oils. Thymol was experiments found to have germ-free and hostile to communicable attributes. The other unstable oils in thyme incorporate carvacrol, borneol, and geraniol.

3. Thyme contains numerous flavonoid phenolic cell reinforcements like lutein, zeaxanthin, naringenin, apigenin, luteolin, and thymosin. New thyme spice has one of the most excellent cell reinforcement levels among herbs.

4. Thyme is packed with minerals and nutrients that are fundamental for ideal wellbeing. Its leaves are possibly the most impressive wellspring of potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and selenium. Potassium is a significant part of cell and body liquids that helps control pulse and circulatory burden. The body manipulates manganese as a cofactor for the cancer prevention agent chemical superior disgust. Iron is fundamental for red platelet development.

5. The spice is likewise a rich wellspring of numerous significant nutrients, for example, B-complex nutrients, β-carotene, nutrient A, nutrient K, nutrient E, nutrient C, and folic corrosive.

6. Thyme gives 0.35 mg of nutrient B-6 or pyridoxine, outfitting about 27% of day-by-day suggested consumption. Pyridoxine keeps up GABA (valuable synapse in mind) levels in the cerebrum, which plays a part as a pressure buster.

7. Nutrient C assists the human body with creating opposition against irresistible specialists and searching for hurtful, supportive, provocative free revolutionaries.

8. Nutrient A will be a fat-solvent nutrient and cancer prevention agent required to keep up with sound mucosa and skin and is likewise fundamental for vision. Utilization of regular food sources plentiful in flavonoids like nutrient An and beta-carotene shields from lung and oral pit malignancies.

When to Plant Thyme

Plant cuttings or youthful thyme establish any time after the ground temperature arrives at 70°F. This is generally 2 to 3 weeks before the last spring ice in very much depleted soil around 9 inches separated. Space young plants 12 to 24 inches separated, contingent on the particular assortment. The plants ought to grow 6 to 12 crawls in stature.

Planting Thyme

Thyme flourishes in full sun and loves heat. In case you are filling in a pot inside, plant close to a radiant window.

  • Soil needs to deplete well, so there aren’t “wet feet.” In the nursery, plant with other dry season tolerant perennials.
  • In late winter, you might treat the natural matter similar to compost, yet very little soil change is essential.
  • It’s challenging to develop thyme from seeds in light of slow, lopsided germination. It’s simpler to purchase the plants from a nursery or take a few cuttings from a companion. Over the long haul, you can engender from your cuttings. Whenever you get a question that how to grow thyme then it is teh perfect example to know about it.
  • For an early advantage, plant the cuttings within 6 to 10 weeks before the last spring ice.
  • Plant cuttings or youthful thyme establish any time after the ground temperature arrives at 70°F. This usually is 2 to 3 weeks before the last spring ice in all-around depleted soil around 9 inches separated.
  • Space young plants 12 to 24 inches separated, contingent on the particular assortment.
  • The plants ought to grow 6 to 12 creeps in tallness.
  • In the nursery, plant thyme close to cabbage or tomatoes.

How to Harvest Thyme

Harvest thyme not long before the plant blossoms by removing the main five to six creeps of development. Leave the unnecessary, woody parts. It’s ideal for collecting thyme in the morning after the dew has dried. Clean leaves ought not to be a wash because it eliminates a portion of the fundamental oils. At least two harvests developed during the season. You can harvest thyme from the garden or harvest thyme seeds.

Or on the other hand, on the off chance that you continue to manage your thyme plant, it will continue to develop (and keep a smaller shape). Be that as it may, consistently leave somewhere around five crawls of development so the plant will keep on flourishing. Trim thyme at whatever point it gets leggy. New thyme ought to be put away refrigerated and wrapped daintily in plastic; it should last one to about fourteen days. There are various ways by which you can harvest thyme:

To dry thyme, drape the twigs in a dim, all around ventilated, warm region. You can likewise dry the leaves by setting them on a plate. Once dried, store them in a water/airproof compartment. Pulverize not long before utilizing. As it is an herb then you can harvest thyme plant or harvest thyme leaves. Under excellent conditions, spices will hold the most extreme character for a long time. Freezing is one more technique for capacity

Where to Plant Thyme

Initially from the Mediterranean, thyme flourishes in very much depleted soil that is low in supplements. Establishing it in full sun carries the fundamental oils to the outer layer of the leaves and gives it extraordinary character. You can grow thyme in various places:

  • planting thyme seeds
  • planting thyme in pot
  • well obviously planting thyme from cutting
  • planting thyme indoors
  • planting thyme outdoors

Dry season adoring, thyme needs security from cold breezes and wet winters. Plant it in free-depleting soil or rock in spring or harvest time. It’s especially appropriate for filling in rock gardens, breaks in a clearing, or at the edge of ways. In filling in a compartment, utilize a dirt-based fertilizer with a lot of coarseness added and kept it raised off the ground to help seepage.

Planting Thyme in Container

Thyme is both a culinary and sweet-smelling spice. A great compartment for developing thyme is a dirt grower. Different sorts of pots will get the job done, yet an earth pot will permit the thyme spice to dry out among watering and forestall excessively wet roots as thyme isn’t lenient toward wet root conditions. The compartment ought to have somewhere around one huge seepage opening.

A decent blend of sand, fertilized soil, peat greenery, and perlite will give sufficient supplements and seepage. Thyme can endure backhanded light, which makes it ideal for the kitchen spice garden. The best-discovered outcome is when thyme establishes, where it gets six hours of sunlight. When the planted thyme is, place the holder in a southern or western-confronting window if conceivable. Developing thyme inside will require temperatures in the daytime around 60 F. (16 C.) or more.

You can harvest thyme plant as well as harvest thyme leaves. It is the matter of focus ad hardwork to grow and harvest thymes in your garden.

Variety of thyme

1. Golden lemon thyme: This thyme has a genuine lemon aroma, notwithstanding the minty nature of thyme, and flaunts brilliant, variegated leaves.

2. Woolly thyme: An exceptionally delicate, level spreading rug, this assortment has no fragrance, so it’s no use for cooking. It falls pleasantly in rock cultivars and can fill in porch breaks.

3. Caraway thyme: This varietal is low-developing, with pale pink blossoms and the aroma of caraway.

4. Creeping thyme: True to its name, this assortment develops as a low mat, simply a few inches tall, with pink, red, lavender, or white.

5. Elgin thyme: One of the littlest and slowest developing of many thymes, Elfin has tiny green leaves and lavender blossoms. Like Wooly thyme, Elfin does best when permitted to fill in the middle venturing stones

6. Juniper thyme: One of the culinary thymes, Juniper has stiffer shimmering leaves, like the presence of juniper needles, and it stays at a simple 6″ tall. It likewise offers a bounty of pink blossoms that sparkle in snow-capped stone gardens (no upsettingly warm summers for this one, please).

7. Lavender Thyme: While it just arrives at 3″ tall, Lavender thyme’s development propensity isn’t level, making it a superior contender for rock nurseries and fillers instead of as a steppable ground cover. Also, the scent? You know it — a wonderful lavender aroma that delights when you’re very close. Pink blossoms add to its appeal.

8. Silver Thyme: Silver thyme has brilliant, variegated leaves with a white-edge green hue. Developing to 1′ tall, this magnificence has pink blossoms. Utilize it for any formula that calls for thyme, yet remember adding it to your compartment garden for magnetic surface and shading play.

9. Pennsylvania Dutch Tea Thyme: As its name recommends, Pennsylvania Dutch Tea is excellent (new or dried) for tea-fermenting and can fill it in for any formula calling for English thyme. It has dark, oval leaves, pink blossoms and develops to around 1′ tall.

10. Italian oregano thyme: A taller culinary thyme, Italian Oregano develops to 12″ tall with a lively character that sits well in an Italian dish. Its pink blossoms will sprout for around one month, after which you’ll need to scale it back to empower more edible development for your next evening gathering.

Troubleshooting of thyme

Root rot: One issue: Thyme can create root decay. Root decay makes the roots rot, and they become unfit to ingest supplements.

Thyme enjoys light, very much depleted soil, and a  warm, dry climate. If your thyme is in the substantial ground and you have a wet spring, it might foster root decay and kick the bucket.

Gray Mol: Thyme can likewise get a dark shape, showing dim spots on the leaves. It took an excessive amount of dampness or high mugginess. It isn’t easy to control your outside plant conditions when the climate is wet, so you might need to keep your dry spell adoring spices in holders if you live in a damp region.

Ensure your thyme is in well-depleting soil and has a lot of space for air to circulate the leaves. You can shower with neem oil to assist with controlling the organism.


  • As a rule, thyme plants don’t require hard restoration pruning since they are typically received consistently, and collecting forestalls prevents the thyme plant from turning excessively woody. Now and again, a disregarded thyme plant garnished back, difficult to eliminate woody development and energize a delicate, usable product.
  • Hard restoration pruning regularly requires a couple of years to finish. In pre-winter, after the principal ice, select 33% of the most seasoned and woodiest stems on your thyme plant. Utilizing sharp, clean shears, cut these stems back considerably.
  • Rehash the cycle the following year until your thyme plant has gotten back to developing more young, more delicate stems all around the plant.
  • At the point when you trim thyme for light revival, you are fundamentally guaranteeing that your thyme plant doesn’t turn out to be too woody later on.
  • In pre-fall, after the thyme plant has bloomed, select the 33% most seasoned stems on the plant. Utilizing sharp, clean shears, cut these back by two-third. It ought to be done yearly for the best well-being of the plant.

Pests and diseases

Thyme doesn’t, in general, be troubled by creepy crawlies much; however, the possible vermin are bug bugs and aphids.

Sicknesses are likewise uncommon whenever planted in well-depleting soil, yet contagious illnesses can be an issue at times.


Where does thyme grow best?

Thyme flourishes in full sun and loves heat. In case you are filling in a pot inside, plant close to a bright window. Soil needs to deplete well so there aren’t “wet feet.”

Is thyme easy to grow?

Simple to develop, thyme needs little consideration with the exception of a normal light pruning after the main year. Do this after the previous spring ice, with the goal that the plants don’t get woody and fragile.

Does thyme need lots of water?

Thyme flourishes in radiant conditions, so in case you are developing thyme in compartments, plant with rosemary, which likewise has comparative watering needs.

Should I soak thyme seeds before planting?

Thyme seeds do best with a little chilly definition or an overnight douse.

What should not be planted with thyme?

Specific sorts like parsley, cilantro, tarragon, basil, and chives incline toward a more clammy soil, and ought not to be planted straightforwardly with thyme.

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