Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Sage

Growing sage,On the off chance that you love developing regular sage in your spice garden and live in a warm region, you’ll need to consider adding Cleveland sage in with the general mish-mash.

Salvia clevelandii, otherwise called California blue, fragrant, and frequently, Cleveland sage is a quickly developing, exceptionally sweet-smelling spice that is local to the bank of southern California. It’s reasonable for development in USDA Hardiness Zones 9-11.

It is a tiny plant, delivering dark green foliage and rough leaves. Developing to around four feet tall and wide, this plant bears lovely blue-violet blossoms and has fragrant leaves utilized in cooking.

Known for drawing in hummingbirds, this individual from the Lamiaceae family is the surprisingly simple focus.

On the off chance that you have taken a stab at developing regular sage before, you shouldn’t experience an excess of difficulty getting acquainted with everything with this appealing species.

You’ll discover all that you need to begin beneath!

Overview of Sage

Biological Name

Salvia officinalis

Plant Type


Maturity Period

5-6 months

Maturity Size

1-2 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide

Soil Type


Soil pH

Acidic, neutral to acidic



Hardiness (USDA Zone)

5-9 (USDA)


18 – 24″

Bloom Time



Non toxic

Flower Color

Blue, purple, white, pink

Growth Rate

1 year

Native Zone



Frequent harvesting and pruning help to reinvigorate sage plants.


An intensely scented plant, Cleveland sage is a top pick of honey bees and people the same. It smells like the typical sort yet is known for being significantly more remarkable. Local to California, with numerous cultivars and half breeds accessible to the home groundskeeper, this plant was first presented by the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation in 1981. Additionally alluded to as blue sage, S. clevelandii is not the same as S. azurea var. Grandiflora, one more plant that is frequently implied to by this name.

There are two clarifications given for the common name of this plant. Some propose that named the plant after Grover Cleveland, the previous leader of the United States. Others contend that the name comes from the way that found out this plant was in the Cleveland National Forest in Santa Ysabel, California, which itself additionally celebrates the name of the president. Still, others recommend that the plant be named to pay tribute to Daniel Cleveland, a novice botanist and the fellow benefactor of the San Diego Society of Natural History.

The plant has numerous culinary and restorative employments. Leave are utilized regular therapeutically to diminish respiratory issues, while the seeds can likewise be ground up and toasted to make a dish named pinole, one that generally contains ground maize; however, it can be made again with sage seeds, just like cocoa, agave, vanilla, cinnamon, and different flavors.

Nutrition facts about sage

Sage is exceptionally high in nutrient K, and it likewise contains imperative minerals like magnesium, zinc, and copper. Sage contains nutrients An and C, alongside a few different cell reinforcements, which assist with lessening the danger of genuine medical issues like disease. It’s likewise plentiful in nutrient K, which helps the body in clotting blood. Since sage took in modest quantities, it gives a high measure of nourishment without a ton of calories.

Health benefits of sage


Cell reinforcements assist battle with liberating revolutionary atoms in our current circumstance that can harm our cells, prompting malignancy. Sage contains cell reinforcement nutrients A, C, and E in limited quantities. It has more than 160 polyphenols, one more kind of cell reinforcement made of plant matter.

Sage has a few kinds of acidic mixtures in it that additionally go about as cancer prevention agents. Chlorogenic corrosive, caffeic corrosive, rosmarinic corrosive, ellagic corrosive, and rutin all connected to advantages, for example, lower malignancy hazard, memory improvement, and further developed mind work.

One investigation discovered that drinking tea produced using sage raised cell reinforcement protections and brought down LDL or “terrible” cholesterol. Subjects who drank two cups of sage tea consistently saw these advantages, just as an increment in excellent cholesterol levels.


Sage is displayed to have antimicrobial impacts that guide in killing plaque. One review utilizing a sage-based mouthwash showed it effectively killed cavities causing Streptococcus mutans microorganisms.

In another review, a fundamental oil produced using sage killed the Candida albicans parasite and prevented it from spreading

Sage is likewise usually used to treat mouth issues like mouth blisters. However, more information except to demonstrate it works in people authoritatively.


The body typically encounters a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause. That decrease causes incidental effects like hot glimmers, over-the-top perspiring, vaginal dryness, and peevishness. Sage has been utilized as a daily medication to decrease these side effects.

It might be compelling because wise has estrogen-like properties, permitting it to tie to specific receptors in mind and superficial manifestations like hot glimmers and excessive perspiring. One review showed a critical decrease in the number of hot glimmers experienced by individuals taking a savvy supplement over a multi-week period.

Control blood sugar

Sage uses leaves in daily medication as a treatment for diabetes, and a few investigations back this up. In one review, rodents with type 1 diabetes had diminished blood glucose levels after taking sage concentrate. The concentrate initiates a receptor in the rodents that helps the apparent abundance of unsaturated fats from the circulation system, expanding insulin affectability.

Human examinations have shown that wise leaf concentrate can bring down glucose and further develop insulin affectability like the counter diabetes drug rosiglitazone. Nonetheless, further testing is required before sage indicates concentrate as a diabetes treatment for people.

How to grow sage

Sage requires customary in any event, watering until set up. When set up, keep sage on the dry side. Sage is effortlessly killed by overwatering or wet soil. The absence of water will work on the kind of sage, yet try not to permit the plant to shrink from the lack of dampness. Overhead watering might cause genuine buildup issues.

  • Sage fills best in sandy-topsoil soil however doesn’t need customary taking care. Give sage a side dressing of fertilizer tea twice during the developing season.
  • Mulch around sage with matured fertilizer or cleaved leaves in exceptionally hot locales; mulch will slow soil dampness vanishing. Do it likewise in extreme winter areas to hold roots back from freezing.
  • Gap sage plants like clockwork to keep up with energy. For best character, prune away blossom stems before they sprout. Trim or slice plants back in harvest time to reestablish foliage for the accompanying season. Sage will become woody and decrease following quite a while and ought to supplant.
  • Sage can beholder developed yearly. Develop sage in a pot no less than 8 inches down and wide.
  • Winter developing: Over-winter compartment developed sage in a secured place, an unheated carport or porch. Sage doesn’t grow well where winters are wet, or springs are soggy and cold.

How to grow sage in a container

An earth pot would be excellent for developing sage. At the outset, select a holder that is a base 8 inches down and wide likewise. Afterward, you can report this spice into a more excellent pot once it grows out of the current pool and become root-bound. Guarantee your bank has adequate seepage openings to keep away from waterlogging. While you can develop sage partially sun, the most sweet-smelling and solid sage plant fills in full daylight. Thus it is crucial to place the plant that gets 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day. If you live in a blistering environment, save the plant from the exceptional evening sun, particularly in summer.

The most appropriate situation for developing sage inside is either South or West confronting window. If you don’t get proper daylight inside, create lights for this reason. Never utilize average nursery soil for developing sage in pots. Either make your soilless preparing blend or get it from a nursery place or on the web. Your developing medium ought to be very much depleted and loamy. To advance it, add 20-25 percent fertilizer to the preparing blend.

Water a youthful and recently relocated sage plant consistently for the initial not many weeks until it’s building up without trying too hard. When the plant gets a brilliant development and fosters a sound root framework, begin keeping it on a drier side–Water when the dirt appears to be dry to contact. Stay away from overwatering and overhead watering to forestall root decay and infections like leaf spot and good buildup.

How to plant sage herb

Plant sage after the ground temperature arrives at 65°F – around 1 – fourteen days before you triumph when it’s all said and done with the last ice of the year.

On the off chance that you choose to become your sage from seed, observe that it will probably take two or three years to develop ultimately. If you decide to go the seed course, sow inside for 6 – two months before the last ice under a plant light. Sage seeds will require around three weeks to grow, and afterward, you can relocate seedlings to your pre-arranged soil. You can likewise engender new plants from different cuttings or by layering.

Sage requires sandy, loamy, well-depleting soil. It would help if you had a pH somewhere between 6.0 and 7.0 for ideal development. Don’t over-treat if you’re developing for culinary purposes – while you might get quicker development, you will probably lose power in flavor. If you’re planting in dirt soil, blend in natural matter and sand to give better seepage.

Sage plant Care

Sage does best in medium to full sun. It can likewise well in compartments or inside – simply be sure it’s close to a radiant window if you’re developing it inside. On the off chance you live in zones 5 to 8, your savvy will be strong lasting. If you’re in the damp zones of 9 or anyplace further south, it will probably be a yearly, as it doesn’t endure summer moistness and hotness well overall.

Most wise plants fill in a roundish shrub shape, so take care not to establish them excessively near one another, so they have space to develop. Space sage plants around 24″ separated. Sage is a generally dry spell of lenient spice. Regardless of whether it starts to shrink, it will naturally liven up with water. Don’t over-water – delay until your dirt is dry, and afterward, thoroughly water.

How to care sage

Sage rapidly turns into a little woody bush that can require supplanting each three to four years. Continuous collecting and pruning help to revitalize sage plants. While a wise plant is thriving, it makes an alluring expansion to both spice nurseries and elaborate lines. The purple, brilliant, and tricolor assortments function admirably as edging plants for lines or ways.

Permit the plants to develop unharvested for the prior year so that they can become set up. From that point forward, you can gather leaves whenever, even though they are considered at their best previously or soon after sprouting. You can even dismiss snow and reap in the colder time of year.

Sage is exceptionally cheerful, filling in compartments. Assuming you need to take a stab at becoming culinary sage inside, you should give solid, direct light. For sound plants, give your savvy establishment full sun. In sweltering zones of USDA 8 or higher, they can deal with some evening concealment, yet they need some sun or a breeze to get the suddenness to dry the leaves and forestall decaying.

Sage Growing Condition

Culinary sage favors damp, however, very much depleted soil. It will endure respectably antacid soil. It isn’t specific with regards to the ground; then again, actually, it ought to be very much depleted.

Sage is parched season open-minded and doesn’t care for sitting in wet soil. The leaves will get mold in, and they are permitted to sit moistly, so water rarely.

Sage plants will be perpetual in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 through 9. Ordinary sage will, in general, be somewhat hardier than the more fancy assortments like brilliant, purple, and tricolor sage. Sage inclines toward a warm, bright area, even though it hates outrageous hotness.

Back off of the compost. It’s more competent to side-dress with the natural matter in the spring.

How to harvest

Cut off individual leaves on a case-by-case basis during the developing season. Sage requires 75 to 80 days from planting to arrive at development. Prune or trim sage with a nursery pruner. Reap leaves from grounded plants. Cut back 6 to 8 creeps of verdant development twice during the developing season to keep sage shaggy.

Varieties of sage

There are a few kinds of Sage plants, and not every one of them is edible. While choosing a Sage plant for your spice garden, pick one, for example, Garden Sage, Purple Sage, Tri-shading Sage, and Golden Sage. The kind of Sage changes extraordinarily, relying upon the assortment developed and the developing area. Some various sorts of Sage plants usually found are;

Clary Sage

It has highly huge leaves regularly used to season wine. It is likewise acceptable with eggs and implanted in tea.

Purple Sage

 It is a tiny plant with purple leaves and striking dazzling blue blossoms. Purple Sage plants have purple shading leaves when youthful. Used for cooking, yet unlike cultivating Sage, a purple Sage bramble doesn’t blossom regularly.

Tricolor Sage

 It is a famous enriching assortment that gives a lot of tones to a nursery. It tastes milder, and it is utilized less for cooking and more for its ornamental look.

Mexican Sage

It needs a long-developing season and doesn’t begin sprouting until pre-fall.

Berggarten Sage

Berggarten Sage is like the regular nursery Sage in shading, look, and style of leaves, yet it doesn’t sprout.

Garden Sage

Garden Sage is one of the most notable Sage assortments, and it is likewise called “normal Sage.”

Golden Sage

Brilliant Sage is a crawling plant and has green and brilliant variegated plant leaves. These plants are lovely in a nursery with different plants, as the tones highlight planted around it.

Grape Scented Sage

Grape scented Sage is one of the most extensive developing plant assortments, growing up to 8 feet tall by 6 feet wide.

Mealycup Sage

 Mealycup Sage becomes around 2 – 3 feet and is regularly a yearly, contingent upon the locale you’re developing it in. It has exquisite purple, white or blue shading blossom spikes, and it has a few assortments like “Domain Purple” and “Victoria Blue.”

Mexican Bush Sage

Mexican shrubbery Sage is dry season lenient and becomes around 3 – 4 feet.

Pineapple Sage

Pineapple Sage is especially ready as a decorative plant but, on the other hand, is generally thought to have therapeutic properties.

Scarlet Sage

Red Sage plant is a yearly that flourishes in full sun yet can likewise withstand some halfway shade as long as planted in well-depleting soil.

Tricolor Garden Sage

The tricolor nursery Sage plant has lopsided white emphasized leaves, giving it the impression of being “tricolored.”

White Sage

 White Sage is additionally called honey bee Sage and is used for cooking. Slowly developing, the white Sage plant is a perpetual evergreen bush that can require up to around three years to develop and grows to 2 to 3 feet tall.


Pruning after blooming will keep plants alluring and keep them from getting excessively woody and leggy. Culinary sage ought to prune in the spring. Try not to prune in the fall or winter since that can harm new development; all things being equal, eliminate any dead blossoms or stems. Never slice the plants to the ground.

Troubleshooting of sage

The buildup is an issue for sage, so small plants consistently energize airflow. Watch cautiously on the most sultry, most damp late spring days. You can likewise mulch with stones to assist with keeping the region quickly around the leaves dry. The dampness from rocks vanishes immediately contrasted with natural mulches.

Pests and diseases

Pests: Sage has no genuine nuisance issues.

Diseases: Sage has no genuine infection issues except that it can endure root decay whenever filled in a spot that is excessively soggy or obscure.


  • Sage soup
  • Roasted Veggies with a pinch of sage


1. When should I plant sage?

Sage is made from seed planted in the spring, albeit a few assortments are best developed from prepared plants. The seed grows in 10 to 21 days.

2. Where should I plant sage?

Sage inclines toward warm, radiant sites with very much depleted soil with a pH worth of around 6.0 to 6.5 and fills nicely in holders. It grows up to 24 to 36 inches.

3. Does sage grow well in pots?

As a component of your consideration of pruned sage spices, you should keep the plants in a warm region, away from drafts, in temperatures around 70 F. Give mugginess when developing sage inside, with a close-by stone plate or humidifier.

4. What are the best growing conditions for sage?

Sage does best in medium to full sun. It can work likewise well in holders, or be sure it’s close to a bright window if you’re developing it inside. On the off chance you live in zones 5 to 8, your wisdom will be tough enduring.

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