Planting, Growing and Harvesting Scented Geranium

Growing Scented Geranium. Scented Geraniums are indeed not Geraniums by any stretch of the imagination. They are Pelargonium. Their leaves, in any case, do take after Geraniums, and they are in a similar natural family. They have an assortment of blossoms and leaf shapes and make beautiful house and nursery plants. 

Scented Geraniums can be increased effectively from stem cuttings or developed from seed. In their local natural surroundings of the Cape of Good Hope, the scented geraniums are enduring. The vast majority of Canada and the US are treated as delicate perennials. The leaf structure is a prime factor, and the leaf surface can be smooth, smooth, or even tacky. It is the rear of the leaf that delivers the fragrance for which every geranium is known and named. 

There are more than fifty distinct geraniums with a rose scent. Some can arrive at a stature of four feet in temperate regions. They sprout in June and July in shades of lavender and pink. These are typically varieties of Pelargonium graveolens. 

Types of scented geraniums

‘Woman Plymouth’ becomes exceptionally huge yet is slow developing. The leaf is profoundly cut light green with a solid fragrance. It is a lively plant with profoundly cut dark green leaves lined with white. 

‘Rober’s Lemon Rose’ has one of the best rose fragrances and flavors. The leaf is long and thick, looking like a tomato leaf.  

Lemon geranium leaves are generally complimentary, with ridges extra toothed than the rose geranium. Pelargonium crispum has one of the best lemon fragrances. The leaves are tiny, fluted, and unsettled, developing on upstanding stems—the flowers are orchid pink. Pelargonium crispum ‘Ruler Rupert’, with its solid lemon aroma, can undoubtedly grow into a bit of bush in a decent developing season. 

Pelargonium fragrans ‘Nutmeg’ has a solid aroma. It creeps, making it astounding at the edge of a line or in a grower permitted to trail down the sides. The leaves are tiny and grayish-green. 

Overview of Geranium

Biological Name

Pelargonium (scented-leaved group)

Plant Type

Herbaceous perennial

Maturity Period

4 months

Maturity Size

1 to 3 feet tall; 1- to 2-foot spread

Soil Type

Rich, medium-moisture, well-drained soil

Soil pH

5.8 to 6.3 (slightly acidic)


Full sun to part shade

Hardiness (USDA Zone)

10 to 11 (grown as an annual elsewhere)


1-2 feet, depending on variety

Bloom Time

Seasonal bloomer


Non Toxic

Flower Color

Pink, purple, red

Growth Rate

4 months

Native Zone

South Africa


Provide water and then let it be dry.


Practically all plants in this variety developed in Europe and the US began in southern Africa (where they fill wild in the understories of timberlands) before advancing toward Europe in the seventeenth century. From that point, they spread across the world. By the Victorian period, they turned into a staple in flower bundles before blurring in ubiquity for their notable cousins. Nowadays, there are many developed variants of the first wild plant, with aromas ranging from surprising (nutmeg) to exemplary (rose). 

All geraniums are now and then, more precisely, called pelargoniums. It initially gathered with plants presently isolated into the Geranium sort after being brought from the African landmass to Europe. Today, botanists separate the vigorous enduring bushes in the Geranium family, usually called cranesbill geraniums by English speakers, from pelargoniums, currently ordered in the Pelargonium sort.

Health benefits of scented geranium 

Lower stress 

The possible effect of geranium on the sensory system is notable, and the plant utilized it in this manner for ages. Blend the leaves of its plant. You can create a delicious tea that has relieving properties, gotten from its natural mixtures that decidedly sway the endocrine framework and assist with adjusting chemicals that cause pressure and tension. A speedy cup of tea when you’re anxious can rapidly diminish a horrendous mindset and a messy brain. Besides, even the fragrance of geranium can anxiolytically affect ladies during labor, recommends a recent report.


Scientists in a recent report uncovered the calming properties of geranium. If you experience the ill effects of sore joints, throbbing muscles, or even interior irritation of the gut or cardiovascular framework, geranium tea or effective utilization of rose geranium essential oil alongside a transporter oil, can give help from the inconvenience while diminishing the strain on your body’s delicate regions.

Another concentrate additionally presumed that the oil can demonstrate success for brief help with discomfort from postherpetic neuralgia torment.


Geranium is known to have insusceptibility boosting characteristics. As indicated by a review distributed in the Pharmaceuticals diary, geranium has been a staple in South African restorative culture for treating respiratory issues. Its adequacy proposes that antimicrobial and antiviral properties are just possible to form its concentrates into a medication.

Respiratory Disorders

Geranium is known to assuage indications of bronchitis, sinusitis, and nose diseases since it is an incredible antiviral and affirmed by a report which adds that it is additionally valuable against the typical virus.

Reduce Nose Bleed Severity

Ostensibly, one of the most novel and similarly substantially less realized medical advantages of geranium essential oil perhaps its potential viability against diminishing the seriousness of hemorrhages. The chance of rose geranium oil as a viable treatment choice in genetic hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) related epistaxis (intense discharge in the nasal region or nosebleeds) is being investigated by examines. A review distributed in The Laryngoscope diary tracked down that the effective use of rose geranium-sesame oil mixtures can decrease the seriousness of epistaxis among these patients.


Referred to for quite a long time as diabetes the board choice in Tunisian people medication culture, a review distributed in the Lipids in Health and Disease additionally discovered geranium essential oil as a successful antihyperglycemic drug. The creature study, which contrasted it with the impacts of glibenclamide, tracked down that the oil diminished diabetic difficulties emerging from oxidative pressure.

Better digestion 

If you’re experiencing squeezing, swelling, or a by and sizeable annoyed stomach, drinking some geranium tea can be one of the least demanding and most effortless cures. The gainful natural mixtures can rapidly relieve irritation and take out microorganisms that might be causing the distress and restore your gastrointestinal framework once again!


In case you are searching for a characteristic skin chemical and tonic, select geranium essential oil. It very well may be utilized straightforwardly on the skin in tiny amounts or added to your bathwater. It fixes and tones the skin and keeps it flaw-free.


Geranium advances hair development since it might control the discharge of sebum on the scalp. Can add the essential oil to either transporter oils or cleansers. These aides give the hair a smooth sheen and a lovely, gentle rose smell.

How to plant Scented Geranium

  • Develop scented geraniums in full sun where the sun is warm and exceptional, scented geraniums toward the beginning of the day, not the evening sun. When developed inside, scented geraniums will require brilliant light. 
  • Develop scented geraniums in well-depleting, loamy soil. Scented geraniums will endure most normal soils, however not wet soil. Soil too wealthy in nitrogen can decrease the strength of the plants’ fundamental oils, thus reducing the aroma’s power. Scented geraniums favour a somewhat acidic soil pH of around 6.0 to 6.8. 
  • Scented geraniums are half-breed plants most ordinarily developed from cuttings. Start cuttings whenever during the year inside under bright lights in an all-around depleted preparing blend. 
  • Set scented geraniums in the nursery at least fourteen days after the last ice in spring when evening temperatures are hotter than 55° 
  • Space plants 12 to 18 inches separated, relying upon the assortment. Give scented geraniums a lot of space to flaunt their brilliant blossoms. 
  • Grow a few cultivars of scented geraniums. 
  • Scented geraniums can fill in the spice garden or a perpetual boundary. It likewise is filled exclusively in compartments.

How to grow Scented Geranium 

Scented geraniums fill best in soil that is damp however not wet. When set up, they are dry season open-minded, yet a delayed dry spell will make the leaves yellow, brown, and tumble off. They won’t fill well in wet soil. 

Side dress scented geraniums with manure tea or a weakened arrangement of fish emulsion like clockwork during the developing season. Scented geraniums are light feeders; a lot of nitrogen will make the plants less fragrant. 

Squeeze out blurred blossoms to energize new blooms. Scented geranium can become leggy, particularly inside or in a lot of shade. Squeeze back developing tips routinely to keep plants minimal and thick. On the off chance that plants get leggy, you can prune them back by one-third. Scented geraniums are not difficult to fill in holders. Pick a holder no less than 6 inches down and wide. Should prune plants over one year old to a more prominent holder. 

Develop scented geraniums inside in winter like you would different spices. Spot plants in a splendid window or under glaring lights. Keep the dirt simply clammy. However, smaller compost is required.

How to grow Scented Geranium in a container

Scented geraniums do well in pots, especially since they don’t require continually soggy soil. 

The holder size required fluctuates depending upon the kind that you’re developing, yet you can pull off a pot as little as eight inches wide and profound in case you’re just wanting to keep the plant around for one developing season. In any case, anticipate reporting consistently. 

Ensure that you fill the pot with a well-depleting, holder explicit medium. 

I love Tank’s Pro Coco-Soil Potting Mix since it has fertilizer and coco coir for water maintenance in addition to seepage. Arbico Organics conveys 1.5-cubic-foot packs assuming you need to snatch a few. 

Prepare month to month with an explicit, universally handy blend. I like to utilize compost spikes since they feed persistently, and you don’t need to monitor when you took care of your plants last. 

Jobe’s Organics makes holder explicit generally applicable compost sticks. 

Get a pack of 50 spikes at Home Depot if this sounds like a choice you’d prefer to attempt. 

Repot at regular intervals to a more oversized compartment to oblige the developing plant.

How to harvest Scented Geranium 

Pick individual leaves from plants any time during the developing season once plants are 6 inches tall. 

Utilize a clip or nursery scissors to collect leaves. Try not to tear leaves from branches; you might pull or break the components.


From seeds

You can begin scented geraniums from seed; however, remember that many are half and halves; Thus, you need to develop them from stable-bought seeds, seedlings, or cuttings, assuming you need them to create consistency with type. Don’t attempt to establish saved roots from a current plant. 

  • Geranium seedlings are likewise delayed to develop, blooming around four months after planting. In any case, don’t let that put you off totally. It can, in any case, be a significant undertaking. 
  • To plant, fill a seed plug level with a soilless medium to a large portion of an inch from the top. 
  • Scarify the seeds by scouring the outside with a nail record—spot seeds on a superficial level and cover with 1/8 inch soil. Douse the medium with a splash bottle until it seems like an all-around wrung-out wipe. 
  • Cover the plate with cling wrap and punch holes divided each couple of inches—spot in a warm place inside with indirect light. 
  • Keep the medium damp while the seeds grow. You may utilize a hotness mat under the plate since soil temperatures should be around 70 to 75°F. When the seedlings spring up, which requires approximately ten days, eliminate the plastic covering while damping the dirt. 
  • After the seedlings are around four inches tall, solidify them off outside. To do this, place them in a protected spot outside for an hour and afterward bring them back inside. 
  • The following day, put them outside for two hours, and afterward three hours on the third day, four on the fourth, etc. Following seven days, they’re all set in the nursery.

From cutting 

An ideal opportunity to take a cutting is the point at which a plant has a flush of new development and before it sets buds, whenever during the developing season. 

In case you are developing nursery geraniums as annuals, taking cuttings in fall before the plant’s blur implies you’ll have new ones to plant out in spring. Choose a tough stem with sound leaves. Attempt to keep away from the unstable, most current development and the more established, woodiest branches, just as any stained or harmed foliage. Use spotless, sharp pruners or a refined edge to cut through a stem. 

Get it done just under a leaf hub, and four to six creeps down from the stem tip. Snip off the lower foliage, leaving a few leaves at the top, so you have three to four crawls of the exposed stem. Eliminate any blossom or leaf buds, as they may coordinate energy away from root development.

Uses of scented geranium 

Not all scented geranium has a taste that supplements cooking. Plans call for one or the other rose or mint. Regularly their flavors are implanted into the dish, and they are taken out and disposed of before serving, albeit new leaves utilized as an enriching trim. The leaves used fresh. 

Scents are ordinarily utilized in sweet dishes. Rose assortments add a sensitive yet animating character to sugar used in prepared merchandise or to improve teas.  Spot the canister in a warm spot for two to about a month, and afterward filter out the leaves. A few cooks prescribe first swelling the leaves to confer more character. Can fill it in the sugar for all or some portion of the plain sugar called for in plans for white cakes or icings. Cinnamon geranium can make a magnificent cinnamon sugar without the natural cinnamon. Small rose-or lemon-scented leaves can likewise be candy-coated by dunking them in egg white and covering them with sugar to make noteworthy cake beautifications. Dry them on a rack before utilizing them. 

The leaves can be masterminded in the lower part of a lined or buttered preparing container and pouring cake player over them. 

How to care for a Scented Geranium

Can Jams enhance with rose scents to fill wipes or light, fluffy cake layers? Apple and crab-apple jams are most generally utilized for this reason. Different utilizations incorporate fruit juices, wine cups, frozen yogurt, and sorbets. 

Use lemon and rose-scented geraniums in sweet vinegar plans, and they consolidate particularly well with lemon verbena, lemon basil, and mints. The dried leaves of a scented geranium can likewise make excellent seasoned teas. Essentially steep a few teaspoons of dried leaves in some boiling water or add a couple of passes onto your pot. 

You may likewise crush the leaves and use them for “moment” tea or as a zest. To enhance heated products, line your dish or treat sheet with a thin layer of scented geranium leaves, either new or dried, and prepare on top of them. After heating, eliminate the leaves, and the character remains. Scented geranium leaves can likewise be utilized to enhance sangria, fruit juice, lemonade, and sorbet. To make geranium jam add a couple of scented passes on to a standard apple jam formula. 

Variety of scented geranium

More than 200 formally named assortments are ordered by their fragrances. The blossoms on scented geraniums are more modest than true geraniums and don’t have an aroma. Many scented geraniums add flavor to food, sugar, syrup, and hot tea. 

It is difficult to come by a scented geranium that doesn’t smell exquisite, yet here is a modest bunch that sticks out: 

Apple-scented: Crisp apple aroma and tiny white blossoms. Grow to 3 feet tall. 

Chocolate mint: Yummy fragrance. Round leaves have a dull focus ring. Grows 2 feet tall. 

Mosquito plant: A pleasant citronella aroma, however not highly successful as a mosquito hindrance. Develops around 2 feet tall. 

Variegated rose geranium Silver-edged, silky leaves with a rose fragrance. 


Periodic squeezing and pruning will make your scented geranium plants all the more full and rugged. If your plant is excessively enormous, don’t be hesitant to prune it back. Spring is the best and ideal opportunity to prune since this will give the plants time to set buds and blossoms. In any case, enormous plants can deal with some scaling back during any season. You can generally root the decorations. Spent flowers ought to be dead-gone to invigorate new bloom buds.

Pests and diseases 

Pests: Scented geraniums are usually bother-free. Whiteflies, aphids, coarse bugs, and bug parasites will assault feeble plants. Control these nuisances with insecticidal cleansers or agricultural oil. 

Diseases: Crown and root decay can influence scented geraniums filled in soil that isn’t all around depleted. Rust, a parasitic infection, may assault leaves where air dissemination is poor.


  • Geranium pound cake 
  • Scented Geranium lemonade


1. How do you plant Scented Geranium? 

Plant scented geraniums in full sun or part shade and wet all around depleted soil. These simple to-develop plants endure sandy soil and dry conditions effortlessly. They mope in wet, earth soil.

2. What is the difference between geranium and scented geranium? 

The blossoms on scented geraniums are more modest than true geraniums and don’t have an aroma. Many scented geraniums add flavor to food, sugar, syrup, and hot tea.

3. Do scented geraniums like sun or shade? 

Plant scented geraniums in full sun or part shade and damp very much depleted soil. These simple to-develop plants endure sandy soil and dry conditions effortlessly.

4. Can you grow scented geranium outside? 

Scented geranium care is so natural both inside and out; it’s a miracle each nursery worker doesn’t claim somewhere around one. They’re the ideal porch or overhang plant.

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