where do sunflower seeds come from

Basic Facts about Sunflowers Let us enlighten ourselves with some facts about sunflowers.  Sunflower is an annual plant.  This beautiful flower is product of the plant which comes from Asteraceae family.  Helianthus annuus is the scientific name of this plant, which comes from two Greek words helios, which means sun and anthos, which means flower.  … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Marjoram

Growing marjoram, Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is a simple to develop spice appropriate for filling in holders just as in the nursery. There are by and large three assortments generally designed: sweet marjoram, pot marjoram, and wild marjoram (otherwise called ordinary oregano). A wide range of marjoram is famous for use in the kitchen as preparation … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Sorrel.

Growing sorrel, Sorrel, commonly called garden sorrel, is one of the widely cultivated perennial plants as they are one of the few herbs that get consumed across the globe. The plant belongs to the Polygonaceae family is known to men by other names like Spinach dock and narrow-leaved dock. They get commonly found in the … Read more

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Lovage

Growing lovage, Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is an enduring spice that has a place with the Apiaceae plant family. It makes it firmly identified with different herbs like parsley, cilantro, dill, and fennel, just as vegetables like carrots and celery. Lovage is mountain celery since it looks and tastes a ton like this much-utilized vegetable. Lovage … Read more

How to Plant Orange Tree | Edible Gardening

Growing an orange tree, Find a spot with abundant daylight and well-depleting soil wealthy in topsoil. Since orange trees lay profound roots, measure a getting free from no less than a 20-foot outline from the foundation of regular trees and a 10-foot circuit from more modest assortments.  Hill the soil around the foundation of the … Read more

How to Plant Plums | Edible Gardening

Growing plum trees, Plum trees need full sun to create sweet organic products, so pick a planting site that gets six hours every day. For soil, they lean toward loamy, well-depleting soil rich with natural matter. Contingent upon your plum assortment, your tree might act naturally pollinating or require a second tree for cross-fertilization—if your … Read more

How to Plant Peach Tree | Edible Gardening

Planting and growing peach trees, Consistently, the Environmental Working Group distributes a rundown of the “messy dozen” produce things that contain the most pesticide buildup, and peaches are typically in that rundown. Assuming you need to partake in this delectable natural product naturally, why not develop your own peach trees? Peach trees come in different … Read more

How to Plant Parsnips | Edible Gardening

Parsnips are not challenging to develop individuals from the cow parsley family. This family incorporates carrot, dill, fennel, and parsley, among others. These seeds will, in general, have a brief time of suitability, so new bundles of origin ought to be bought each year. This family likewise needs warm temperatures to develop, and the air … Read more

Complete Guide for Planting, Growing and Harvesting Kohlrabi

Planting Kohlrabi

Introduction of Planting Kohlrabi Planting Kohlrabi, Before planting any vegetable, one should know about it well. so let’s have an overlook on What is Kohlrabi? Kohlrabi vegetable, otherwise called German turnip or cabbage turnip, is exceptionally mainstream in Northern and Eastern European nations like Germany and Hungary, just as in northern Vietnam and eastern India. … Read more