Planting, growing and harvesting Mint.

Growing mint, Mints are aromatic by nature. They are considered perennial herbs. The system that they grow in may vary between erect, square, and branched. They spread under the ground and come with overground stolons. The leaves generally get arranged in the opposite pairs and range from being oblong to lanceolate. The mint leaves showcase themselves as downy and come with serrated margins.  They can be dark green, or gray, or maybe purple. On certain occasions, they also appear to be yellow. When it comes to the flowers of mints, they can be either white or purple and get extensively produced in false whorls. The false whorls get termed verticillasters. The corolla comes as two-lipped and with four sub-equal lobes, with the upper lobe being the largest. The seed gets contained within the fruit, which is an outlet. 

Biological Name


Plant Type


Maturity Period

90 days from seeding to maturity

Maturity Size

12-36 inches

Soil Type

Moist, well-drained, and rich in organic matters

Soil pH

6.0 to 7.0


Full sun to partly shady

Hardiness (USDA Zone)

Plants are hardy in USDA hardiness zones of 3 to 8


18-24 inches apart. 

Bloom Time

The mint flowers bloom between June to September.



Flower Color

The flowers appear in white, purple, or pink, and the foliage is of blue or green color. 

Growth Rate

The roots appear within 10 to 14 days, and they can get planted out in 21-30 days.

Native Zone

They are native to Australia.


Mint plantation requires very little maintenance. Light mulch goes well with an outdoor plantation, while for indoor plantation, regular watering would keep the soil moist. 


If one goes by the history of the mint plantation, the name arises from the nymph named Minthe or Mentha; a character from Greek mythology who was the girlfriend of Pluto. 

It was Pluto’s wife who became jealous and converted Minthe into a ground-clinging plan. The inability on Pluto’s part to convert Minthe back to a nymphet, so he provided her with the ability to turn the air sweeter when the leaves got crushed. 

Mint is widely available; hence it has been often used as a medicinal plant throughout history. It found great use to treat the problems owing to indigestion and helped to bring freshness to the breath. 

When the leaves of mints dried out, they got used to whiten the teeth. Today, it finds various implications and has extensive use as a beauty product and food additive.

Nutritional Facts for Mint plantation:

  • 2.24 calories
  • Proteins: 0.12 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0.48 g
  • Fats: 0.03 g
  • Fiber: 0.26 g

Mint plantation dates back a long time. Mint belongs to the Lamiaceae family. There are 15 to 20 plant species that fall under the category, which includes peppermint and spearmint. 

Mint has become popular among the masses and can be used fresh or in dried condition. The toothpaste manufacturers, the manufacturers of beauty products and candy, make use of Mint. People intake Mint as it helps to reduce sodium and sugar levels. 

Mint has been in use for a thousand years and has helped people soothe stomach upsets and indigestion. IBS found peppermint as a suitable cure, but research suggests the results were not up to the mark. 

Various types of Mint can get utilized for different kinds of issues. It should get planted outside, but the indoor plantation of Mint can save on not only money but also provide better plantation. 

Nutrients and minerals for growing of Mint:

The growth of Mint requires nutrients in the soil. It plays an essential overall growth. The plant requires an adequate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

When the ratios are maintained perfectly, they can produce higher yields over 4 to 5 years. Nitrogen helps in the rapid growth of Mint, while potassium plays an essential role in providing the plant with the required strength against diseases.  One must look into soil diagnosis to determine the correct nutrients and the deficiencies that may occur. The corrective measures must be taken at the right time to prevent damage to the growth and plantation of Mint. Fertilizers also play a significant role in its overall development.

When to plant Mint:

Mint plantation is a fast process. It is grown in any suitable area, be it indoor plantation of Mint or outdoor. The spacing between the mint plants needs 18 to 24 inches. The best way to grow them is in pots. 

When grown in pots, the garden remains devoid of its spreading. It is significantly important to provide the park with a foundation. The soil requires various levels of compost and other organic matter. If someone opts for container growing of Mint, considering a premium bagged potting mix can help. 

Consistently must soil and water is an added nourishment for the plant. Water-soluble food promotes better production of the leaves for the mint plant. Better mint growing conditions get achieved with the care as mentioned above for the plant. 

Where to plant Mint:

Mint plants are perennials. They make the most out of light soil with better drainage facilities. Harvesting it requires the minimum mint plant care. Ideally, the mint plant grows in regions native to their habitat, along the banks of rivers.

Planting the plants 2 feet apart fetches the best results. Plants two to three plants tend to cover the ground pretty well. Under ideal conditions, they grow up to 2 feet tall. 

Many mint varieties grow in a lively manner. For the very same reason, it requires containment. The key to the mint plantation is to contain its roots. Be it inside or outside; Mint needs pots under Mint growing conditions. 

How to plant Mint:

The plantation of Mint ideally depends upon the place. Spring is the most suitable season for its plantation in the colder regions. 

When the plants get well established, they can withstand the frost, but the newly planted ones require more excellent care. Cross-pollination is very common within the various types of mints. To start with, growing strong one’s help. 

To control the Mint in the planting beds, surrounding it with edges up to 18 to 24 inches into the soil allows it to sit over the soil line. While planting mints in pots, landscaping ensures the roots do not escape from the drainage holes. 

Care for Mint plantation:

People growing Mint requires the least amount of care. For the outdoor mint plantation, using light mulch goes a long way. It keeps the soil is not only moist condition but also the leaves clean.

For indoor purposes, one should water the plants regularly to keep them evenly moist. In the very beginning, mint plants tend to look bushy. But, they soon capture newer territories. If one does not block its passage, it converts into a 4 feet giant. 

Picking and pruning processes greatly help in the mint plantation. Their roots are shallow, and pulling them out requires no hassle. But physical barriers need to be present. 

Types of Mint:

Summer is the time when the mint plants bloom. Mint plantation serves an essential purpose. Mints provide themselves as a favorite herb in the kitchen, but it also covers the yard nicely. There are over 11 types of mints that grow in the garden.

 Peppermint requires the USDA zones to range between 5 to 9 and grows about 12 to 24 inches in height. Peppermint comes with flowers colored pink, and the leaves rounded. It finds its application while adding flavor to teas. 

Chocolate mint significantly relates itself to peppermint. The smell resembles chocolate and not the taste. When tasted, it appears orangey. Unlike peppermint, chocolate mint helps flavor drinks and desserts.

Among the other types of Mint, the most notable ones are spearmint, pennyroyal, and watermint. Different kinds of Mint require different levels of mint plant care. 

Harvesting Mint and storing Mint:

Harvesting mint can become tough ask. When harvested, cooler temperatures are ideal for it to be stored. One can wrap the mint leaves in a perforated bag. 

Storing in such an ideal condition keeps them fresh for a week or so. On the other hand, the new stems require water; placing them in a glass filled with 1 to 1.5 inches of water help. Draping a plastic bag on top of the jar keeps the levels of humidity on the higher side.

The water must get replaced with cleaner water regularly; they tend to remain fresh for about a week after the harvesting of Mint if done in the manner. 

Pests and Diseases of Mint:

In regards to mint plantations, pests and diseases play a negative role in the well-being of the crops. Mint plantation is no exception. Despite the care for mint plantation, the conditions creep by hook or by crook. Indoor mint plantation can reduce the impact to some extent, compared to outdoor harvesting of Mint.

Various diseases plague mint plantations. Among the most common diseases, it includes mint rust and verticillium wilt.

  1. Mint rust

Symptoms of the disease

  • Shoots get pale and distorted in spring.
  • During the later half, the pustules convert into dusty yellow or black.

Favorable conditions

  • With greater relative humidity, the chances become favorable.
  • Dry weather.
  • The propagation material and air facilitate the spreading of the disease. 
  1. Verticillium wilt

Symptoms of the disease

  • The foliage, the uppermost part of the plant, experiences the early symptoms.
  • The upper leaves take the shape of a sickle, with their initial color of chlorotic or red. But then they turn necrotic.
  • The premature definition is a common symptom, and the plant can die.

Favorable conditions

  • Verticillium wilt is greatly encouraged by the moisture in the soil and the temperature ranging between 21°C to 27°C.
  • Micro sclerosis gets stimulated from the host plants.

During mint plantation, thinning the mint stand allows for better circulation of air. The rust fungus does not require the use of fungicides. 


  • Mint Kiwi Lemonade 
  • Mint Pannacotta
  • Grilled Minty Chicken

What is the best way to grow Mint?

A partially shady area suits best for mint plantations. A place with moisture but drained soil accelerates the process. 

Is Mint easy to grow?

Mint plants grow at a rapid pace, much like basil and cilantro. The roots of mints are invasive; hence get called runners. 

What can you not plant near Mint?

Lavender, rosemary, sage, and thyme are the herbs that do not go well with mint plantations. They require dry locations with more excellent sunlight.

What is the best fertilizer for Mint?

16-16-16 granular fertilizer performs the best for the mint plants. It needs to get applied after the dangers of frost. 

What is the secret to growing Mint?

For the best outcomes, seeds need sowing outside during late spring. For indoors, it must commence 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost.

Does Mint grow well in pots?

Mint plantation is easy because it can grow at any place, be it outside or inside. Growing them in pots allows the garden to remain free. 

How often should I water Mint?

When it comes to watering most plants, they usually require water two times a week. The process needs to be thorough for the excess water to trickle down. 

How do you harvest mint leaves?

To fetch the best results of a large harvest, one must wait for the plant to bloom. During such a period, the flavors remain the most intense of all. 

Does Mint regrow after cutting?

Cutting requires sharp scissors for mint plantation. The upper leaves must remain intact. Growth appears only at the nodes in the early days. 

How do I make my mint plant bushy?

To make the mint plant bushy, one needs to trim it onto the side and make it fuller where it’s necessary. 

Can you dry mint leaves?

Mint leaves require the temperature to remain around 40°C for them to dry out completely. The process needs a time of 2-5 hours. 

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